Sunday, November 25, 2012

Heerlike poeding vir die winter: Croissant weergawe op die Bread-and-butter- poeding van weleer. 

1 medium croissant per persoon, in snye gesny.
Ongesoute botter
Heel neut of ander sjokolade 400gram
Cranberries - een pakkie
250ml Room
500ml melk
3 groot eiers
Oondbak, gesmeer met botter.

Sny die croissanten in skywe van 1 cm (8 werk vir die vloeistof volume) en smeer mildadig met botter, pak dit in rye in die gesmeerde oondbak. Breek die sjokolade in blokkies en plaas dit tussen die skywe in. Sprinkel die cranberries oor die  snye tussen die sjokolade in.
Klits nou die 3 eiers saam,meng met room en melk. Gooi die mengsel oor die croissant skywe en laat staan so vir 25 minute. Voorverhit die oond in die 25 minute tot 180grade. Kook ook water en gooi die warm water in 'n bakkie, plaas dit in die onderste rak van die oond en sit die oondbak met die poeding op die middelste rak, bak vir 40-45 min. Pasop dat dit nie te skerp bak/BRAND nie.

Haal uit na baktyk en bedien met roomys of vla, na jou gelang van jou voorkeur.. of beide of ...idealmelk!

Saturday, August 4, 2012

Tarte tatin

200gram suiker
50 ml water
50mg botter
3-4 Granny Smith appels, afgeskil en ontpit
Een pak voorafbereide skilferkors deeg

Verkieslik moet die appels die vorige aand afgeskil word en oornag in die yskas staan, dit word bruin. Voorverhit die oond tot 180 grade.
Gooi die suiker in 'n dikboom pan en gooi die 50 ml water daaroor - laat dit staan tot die suiker geheel en al deur die water bedek is. Verhit die suiker oor lae hitte totdat dit begin borrel. Haal dit van die plaat af en roei die botter in die mengsel in. Rangskik die afgeskilde appels in die pan bo-op di esuiker&botter mengel. Verhit dit vervolgens vir 5 minute. Intussen moet voorafvervaardigde deeg op 'n meel bestrooide oppervlak uitgegooi word en uitgerol word. Die  deeg word nou oor die suiker en appel lae geplaas - bedek die appels deeglik en vou die randjies goed in en druk vas teen die pa. Die pan word nou in die oond geplaas en gebak vir 20-25 mint tot goudbruin. Skakel die oond af en laat dit in die oond afkoel. Sodra die goed afgekoel het - maak met 'n slaplem mes seker dat die rand van die deeg los kom. Plaas 'n plat bord, groter as die pan, omgekeerd bo-op die pan en in  een vinnige beweging, dop die pan om sodat die appeltert met die kors op die bord kom. Bedien met vla, sorbet, room of roomys - jou eie keuse!

Sunday, September 19, 2010

French fruit tartlets


Serves 12 tartlets

75 g butter, diced

¾ CUP all purpose flour

¼ cup castor sugar

2 tsp orange rind, finely grated

1 egg yolk

1T water

175 g cream cheese

1T milk

350 g mixed fruit

¼ cup apricot jam, sieved

1T water

Rub butter into the flour until the mixture resembles breadcrumbs. Stir in 30 ml of the sugar and half the orange rind. Add the egg yolk and just enough of the water to form soft dough. Wrap the dough in cling film and chill for 30 minutes. Roll out the chilled pastry tot a thickness of 3 mm on a lightly floured surface and use to line 12 tartlets moulds. Cover with greaseproof paper. Fill with baking beans and bake in a preheated oven at 190 for 10 minutes. Remove the paper and beans and bake for a further five minutes until golden. Leave tot cool in the tins for five minutes, and then turn out on to a wire rack to finish cooling. Beat the cheese, the milk and the remaining sugar and orange rind together until smooth. Spoon into the pastry cases and arrange the fruit on top. Heat the jam and water in a small pan until well blended, then brush over the fruit to glaze. Chill until ready to serve. TIP: Muffin trays work well if you don’t have enough moulds

Chicken Korma

3 Tblsp oil
1 chopped onion
2 cloves crushed garlic
3 Tblsp plain flour
2 Tblsp mild Korma curry powder (I use the normal mild curry powder)
1 pack chicken breasts, cut into cubes
350ml chicken stock
25g raisins (optional)
1 Tblsp chopped coriander (I leave this out - i hate the stuff)
1 tsp garam masala
juice of half a lemon (or you could just use the lemon juice out the bottle)
4 Tblsp sour cream
Fried onion rings for garnish (optional: I fry them really dark and crispy in loads of butter, paprkia and fresh grated ginger)

1. Heat oil in large heavy based saucepan, add onion, garlic and cook gently for about 5 minutes/until soft.
2. In a bowl, place flour and curry powder and mix together. Toss chicken in seasoned flour, coating well. Add chicken to onion and garlic, then cook stirring for 3 - 4 minutes/until lightly browned. Stir in the seasoned flour and cook for a minute. (it might stick at this stage but once you add the chicken stock, you'll find it won't be a problem)
3. Add stock and raisins and bring to a boil, stirring. Cover and simmer for abougt 15 minutes. Add coriander and garam masala and cook for a further 5 minutes.
4. Remove from heat and stir in lemon juice and sour cream.
5. Return to low heat and warm through, taking care not to let mixture boil.
6. Serve with jasmine rice and onion rings

Butter Chicken

60 ml butter
1 onion, chopped
2 cloves garlic, crushed
10 ml curry powder
5 ml cumin
5 ml ground coriander
5 ml ginger
250 – 300 g chicken breasts
1 tin (410g) chopped tomatoes
30 ml tomato paste
10 ml garam masala
180 ml Bulgarian yoghurt
125 ml cream
Handful of fresh coriander leaves, chopped
5 ml salt

1. Heat butter and fry onions.
2. Add garlic, curry powder, coriander, cumin and ginger and fry until aromas are released.
3. Add chicken and fry until cooked.
4. Stir in tomatoes and tomato paste.
5. Bring to a boil and simmer for 8 – 10 minutes (or longer, I find the flavours get better and the chicken more tender).
6. Add the rest of the ingredients and heat till warm, but don’t boil.
7. Serve on rice (Jasmin Rice is divine!)

Serves 3 – 4